How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

How to Fix a Patchy Beard? There comes a time in every man’s life when they finally want to grow a beard. It’s not an easy task to do as when you grow it for the first time, and there are many difficulties. You may feel like your beard is patchy and does not look good, but it is entirely normal.

In the beginning stages of growing a beard, it will be darker in some parts and lighter in the others. Worry not, it is not anything you should worry about because, after some time, you will have a thick full beard. The constant popularity of thick or light beard has made almost every man worldwide give it a try at least once to see the drastic change in their look. Beards, being associated with masculinity and maturity, are considered an essential part of a man’s face. In some religions and cultures, having a beard is viewed as a ritual and religious obligation as well. Other than that, many significant fashion trends also revolve around different beard styles, and they are always a hit!

How to Fix Bald Spots in Beards

It’s a fact that stylishly kept beards have allowed baby-faced guys to look like older hunks and older pals appear younger and handsome. But, most of the men have faced one common problem when they decide to grow their beards; Patchiness. You might notice that your facial hair is not growing properly or totally missing from some parts of your face, especially the cheeks area or just below it. You don’t need to worry about this facial hair patchiness problem as many celebrities have patchy beards, and they still look damn classy because they know how to fix this problem while marking it as their style statement. Have a look at these Celebrities Beards Styles, and you’ll know what we mean.

Even though growing a beard is a natural process and depends upon your ability to grow hair, but to make this journey relatively easy for you, we have some do’s and donts that you can follow to achieve a fuller and healthier beard.

  • Keep in mind your face shape and decide what beard style would suit you best.
  • Invest in good beard-trimming scissors or visit a hair salon at least twice a week to keep your beard growing in the desired directions.
  • Get beard oils, beard shampoos, and conditioners because facial hair is coarse and needs more softening agents than the hair on your head.
  • Give your beard some time to grow. In the beginning, it will feel itchy and irritating, but it will be worth it in the end.
  • Do brush your beard every morning, so there are no tangles.
  • Use hair growth supplements like biotin regularly.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

There are many reasons why the beard gets patchy and facial hair seems missing from many parts of the face. This can be a genetically inherited issue or a slight deficiency of beard growing hormones (testosterone and DHT). The lesser blood flow to some parts of the skin, such as the chin or upper lips area, may cause thinning or baldness to some parts of the face. The good news is that there are many ways to cover up this patchy beard and look perfect. But before we start, you wouldn’t want to miss out on these Patchy Beard Styling Ideas.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

Let us start with these easiest and most successful methods of fixing a patchy beard.

Step by Step Video Tutorial – How to Trim Patchy Beard and Make it Look Thicker

Trimming your hair on your own or visiting a salon is totally your personal choice. But if you are going through a phase and have a patchy beard, you need to grow your facial hair to a certain length and then trim them in a specific manner to make them look fuller.

What’s better than a video tutorial where you can see how it’s all done and then try to follow all the steps? It is the easiest way to get things done. So, we bring to you this amazing video tutorial we found on youtube on how to trim your beard so that it does not look patchy anymore.

↓ 7 – Don’t Shave and Let It Grow

Growing your beard should be your milestone indeed if you want to fix your patchy beard. The facial hair growth gradually improves with time, but you have to let them grow continuously. Once you find the first clear glimpse of patches, get them shaved, but then again, give them another chance to grow out fully. This is called the stubble cycle, and for maintaining a handsome look, you can adopt one of the many stubbles or goatee beard styles. For more detailed instructions, read our earlier post on How to Trim a Beard.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works


↓ 6- Comb or Brush Patchy Facial Hair

The next step for improving the patchy beard is to comb or brush it softly but regularly. Combing should not just be confined to the hair on your head, but you should also keep a smaller comb for your beard.

It might sound weird to you, but the fact is that the improved blood circulation results in improving the volume and hair growth in the areas of the face where lack of blood circulation or dead cells has prevented the natural growth of facial hair.

To serve this purpose, you can buy a beard brush/comb and comb your beard often. This practice will improve the skin, increase the volume of hair, and work as a filler for the beard’s patchy areas. This will also give your newly grown beard a neat and well-maintained look.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

↓ 5- The Natural Ways To Improve Patchy Beard

The patches of facial hair can be covered by using natural methods. You have to be regular and full of patience if you want to go by the natural ways to improve your hair growth. Because you will never get to see a difference overnight, but you will find gradual and everlasting results without any side effects. Here’s a complete guide on all the different Types of Beards Styles.

The lesser blood flow in the cheek areas can cause patchiness. To cure this problem, you should get pure organic oils such as coconut oil or castor oil and massage the required areas regularly and leave it there for some time.

If you are looking for a full and heavy beard, you must improve your diet. It would help if you started a regular intake of good and beneficial foods for hair growth. The ingredients in some types of food are needed for improving hair growth. Biotin is needed for better hair growth, and it’s available in everyday foods such as eggs, carrots, and milk. Fish such as Salmon or Tuna are also recommended for better hair, skin, and nails

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

↓  4- Supplements for Better Growth of Patchy Beards

To speed up the facial hair growth, you can also consult a physician and get the supplements that are really useful for the betterment of hair growth and cover the face’s patchy parts. If the level of testosterone hormones and DHT is increased, it stimulates the hair follicle to grow faster, which is a great way to achieve a perfect beard.

Another prescription free medication that stimulates the growth of facial hair is Minoxidil. It has no side effects and can increase hair growth. You can definitely get your hands on some of it from your nearby medical store. You can also ask the doctor to recommend suitable multivitamin tablets for this purpose. Multivitamins tablets hurt no one and are good for several things.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

↓ 3- Workouts and Losing Excess Weight

Who does not want to look fit while having a perfect beard as well? If you ask us, it is the best combo, indeed. Aside from that, working out is an entirely natural way to grow a good beard and requires no chemicals or medication, which is the best part.

It’s a proven fact that regular exercising and losing excess weight can raise blood circulation and testosterone, which significantly affects the growth of facial hair follicles. You must do some intense full-body workouts and cardio regularly to raise the testosterone levels and keep them balanced. 

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

↓ 2 – Use Filler Pen Or Go for Transplant

If you are looking for a faster cure for your patchy beard, you can go for a hair transplant. A Beard hair transplant is not for everyone. It’s only suitable if you have large patches on your face and don’t seem to cover the face. But beard transplant will provide you with full coverage as you desired. 

There are two famous beard transplant procedures, Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The beard transplant results show within three months, and then you can enjoy a full bush beard and style it as required.

Another option, if you want to avoid the surgical transplant of facial hair, is a cosmetical filler pen or dark pencil to use as a filler with light strokes to cover the face’s patchy areas. Females have used this technique for a long time to fill in their eyebrows, which works wonders. The best thing about it is that it does not hurt. But, it is also not a long-term solution to your problem and may require some practice.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works

↓ 1-  Choose Best Beard Styles to Cover Patchy Beard

The best option is to embrace the uneven hair of your skin and style them fashionably. The patchy beard’s styles are in vogue, and you can find so many trendy designs and styles for the patchy beard, such as The thin strap, Strap and Goatee, and Fade chin strap. 

Embracing your natural face shape and choosing a beard style that will compliment it is the best thing you can do, and it saves you a lot of work as well! Even the patchiness does not look unattractive when it is going well with your face. For example, if you have a round face, you may want to go for a style such as “The Stiletto Beard” to give it some definition.

If you have an oval face, you are in luck because pretty much any beard style goes with an oval face. If you have an oblong face and do not want your face to look even longer, go for a goatee or a beard that points upwards. On heart-shaped or triangular faces, lighter beards look amazing, and even a stubble can do miracles.

How to Fix Patchy Beard – 7 Tips Which Works


It is quite natural to get many questions in your mind before you start growing your beard, and we are here to answer some of the most common ones.

Q. What is beard oil, and why do I need it?

A. Like all sorts of oils, beard oil is also to moisturize your skin underneath the beard and make your beard look better. It strengthens the roots of your beard hair and makes it look softer. Growing a beard can also come with a lot of itchiness, and beard oil helps a lot and reduces dandruff. 

Q. Do people with beards get food stuck in them? What can you do to prevent it?

A. As gross as it may sound, yes, that can happen. If you plan on growing a large beard, you will most likely face this problem at some point in your life. But that does not mean you cannot grow a beard. All you need to do is be a little careful while eating. Use a straw for drinking stuff and a napkin while eating.

Q. Can dying my beard make it look fuller?

A. If your beard looks empty, but it is because not because of baldness but blondness, then yes, dying your beard in a darker shade can make it appear fuller and thicker.

We hope this article was helpful enough for you to decide whether you want a beard or not, and if you have a patchy one, how can you fix it. Stay tuned for more amazing and helpful articles like these!


  1. Beard Mantra
    • Zoona
    • Olivia Davis

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