Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far

Zayn Malik Pics. The former One Direction band member and the English singer is surely one of the most admired teen celebrities who the world adores for one reason or more. For Zayn, it could be his belonging to one of the coolest and nicest boy bands we know, his mesmerizing masculine voice or probably his impactful persona and looks.

What we know, is that we simply cannot get enough of his recognizance in the world and if we say in Negan’s words, “There’s gotta be more, there’s always – more”. So, for that here is the collection of some of Zayn’s most charming shots taken from his singing, promotional activities and of course – his photogenic randoms are here too. So, have a look and enjoy.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


Latest Pics of Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#30 – His Capture from a Concert in LA

This has been taken apparently by a fan or a paparazzi perhaps – at his concert with his band members in LA.

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#29 – Zayn Malik Hairstyle

At first, he gets a supremely chic platinum dye and then he chooses to be under the spotlight. Could we be any more stunned?

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#28 – His Hazel-eyed Showing Off

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#27 – His Mischievous Part-smile

It’s not only his admirable looks and the hair but also he manages to charm those around him with only his smile.

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#26 – His Platinum Blond Glamour

It’s like the dye has originally been made to get adopted by him. Because the two, so go together.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#25 – When He Sings to His Fullest

When your arteries and bones are visible – you are very much singing from the core of your heart.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#24 – On a Meaningful Singing Night

Well, he can also do a bit of those deep singing nights indicating beauty of the guy in pain.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#23 – Zayn Malik Dressing Style

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#22 – When Sun Shows His Charm

Must remind you of the wonderful shot from twilight when the sun shines over Edward’s body and it’s beautiful. And so is this.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#21 –  In Casual Outfit

Since we know, he always is giving his best to blend in a little bit more than he already does, and he ends up looking gorgeous all over.

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#20 – When He Gets a Grownup Hairdo

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#19 – The Brightest Smile We Know

And the smile that tells it’s the truest of all.

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#18 – When He Nails All Hair Types

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#17 – His Cute Emo Hair Look

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#16 – His Decent yet Gangsta Look

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#15 – The Photogenic Side Capture

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#14 – His Truest Resting Face

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#13 – When He Gives us Vintage Singing Vibes

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#12 – When Grey Becomes Depth

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


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#11 – His Most Debatable Look To Date

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#10 – Some Love from Pillow Talk

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#9 – When All Hair Suits Him to Death

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#8 – His Princely Charm of a Smile

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#7 – When He rarely wears White

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#6 – When He Simply is Adorable

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#5 – His Boyish Charm That Continues to Adolescence

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#4 – His Post Teen Youthful Hotness

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far


#3 – When His Tattoos make him even Hotter

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#2 – When He’s more Adorable in Winter

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far's more Adorable in Winter


#1 – His Most Classic Look Ever

Zayn Malik Pics-30 Hottest Pictures of Zayn Malik so far



  1. liyana
    • Altaf
    • Olivia Davis
  2. lil
    • Olivia Davis

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