Family Tree Tattoo Ideas – 20 Designs You Must Try

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas: A tattoo has evolved itself from a mere way of body modification to a way of expressing oneself. Just like people experiment with their closets to represent themselves, now they do the same with this art. While a tattoo is a skin-deep design, its significance goes even deeper.

A tattoo design may be random or have a meaning behind it. However, either way, it helps in communicating something that words cannot express. Be it a tribute to a personal favorite or reminiscing someone who has passed away, people have been and will continue to use tattoo art for its symbolic significance.

What Is The Meaning Behind A Family Tree Tattoo?

A family is perhaps, the greatest need of every human being. Despite all differences, it is one thing in life that someone cannot change and wouldn’t want to either. Since tattooing has become a top trend in contemporary times, people have also used it as a symbolic tribute to their families. Tattoos with meaning are the ones that mean the most to people.

A family tree, as the name suggests, is a take on an ancestry map. There are many family tree tattoo ideas for people to get their inspiration from. A typical design is a tree with branches consisting of the name of the family members. However, with the progression in the art of making tattoos, a family tree tattoo has been modified in various ways. Be it a design that is big enough to cover the back of a person, to a small tree that fits on the ankle, or the wrist, there are many ways to pay a symbolic tribute to your family through a tattoo.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try

Tips To Get The Perfect Family Tree Tattoo Designed

  • When getting the design of the family tree, it is better to get it on a spacious part, such as the back, the arm, or the leg, so that it doesn’t look like a mess.
  • If you think the family tree tattoo is too complex, get the names, dates, or year of the birth in color, to make them prominent.
  • For a tattoo on the arm, forearm, or leg, it is better to go for a tall, lean family tree so that it fits the space perfectly.

21 – Small Tattoo Design

If you don’t like a huge tattoo that covers the entire skin, there’s no way you should not opt for one. Instead, go for a small design that exhibits the desired meaning without taking too much space. Similarly, a small tree with the word “family” inked at the bottom is the perfect way to get a small family tree tattoo. Furthermore, the precise sites for such a tattoo include the forearm, wrist, or even ankle.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


20 – How To Get A Family Tree Tattoo In Color?

Who said you can only get a black and white family tree tattoo when there are numerous ways to get it in color? A multicolored tattoo stands out on the skin and attracts attention at first glance. One way to get a colorful family tree tattoo is to have the names written within the branches. On the other hand, you can also have the birth years of your family members written inside the tree. Additionally, a tree in black outline with a colorful background is a great way to incorporate different colors.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


19 – Back Tattoo for Guys

A large tree that covers the entire width of the shoulders is a great way to utilize the back for a family tree tattoo. Ask the tattoo artist to draw the trunk in the middle of the back and expand the tree between the two shoulders. Furthermore, you can add the names within the branches to make them look like a part of the tree.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


18 – Arm Tattoos

It doesn’t matter how big your arm is if you want a tree design there. There are many family tree tattoo designs that draw well on both lean and bulky arms. If you have lean arms, then ask for a tree that is tall and petite. On the contrary, for a broader arm, a wide tree would efficiently cover the space.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


17 – From The Bottom Of My Heart

Everyone loves their family from the bottom of their heart and here’s how you can depict it in your tattoo. It is a unique way to get a family tree tattoo that shows how much your family means to you. Moreover, you can also add hues of red in the heart to accentuate it within the design.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


16 – Write The Names On Banners

Another way to get a family tree tattoo is to get the name written on banners. The appropriate site for such tattoo designs includes the arm and the forearm. The possibilities with this design are endless; for instance, you can add the age or the year of the birth of each family member along with their names. Furthermore, you can ask the tattoo artist to color the outlines of the banner if you want to add color to the tattoo.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


15 – A Grumpy Family Tree Design

If you are looking for an unconventional family tree tattoo design, here’s the perfect idea for you. Get a grumpy tree drawn instead of a regular tree with the names of those who you love. Since it is typical of every family to love each other and yet annoy them, this tattoo design is an impeccable way to show that. Additionally, the appropriate location to get this type of tattoo is the shoulder blade for adequate width. Moreover, you can get a similar tattoo on your wrist but in a smaller size.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


14 – Intricate Family Trees

If you are fond of complex, intricate tattoo designs, here is just the right idea for you. This elaborate family tree tattoo is an alluring way to pay tribute to your family. When it comes to such a tattoo design, we recommend getting it on the back so that the tattoo artist has ample space to work his way efficiently.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


13 – Adding Birthdays In A Family Tree

An innovative way to get a family tree tattoo is to have birthdays written instead of the names of the family. The banner is the perfect shape for the date of birth. It distinguishes the dates from the shaded part of the tree and also makes it stand out. Additionally, if you do not want a tattoo on the back, the shoulder blade or the arm are other appropriate locations.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


12 – Back Tattoo for Girls

There are many family tree tattoo ideas for girls that look perfect on the back. A broad tree that spreads on the back in all its glory is not just a great way to express your love for your family but also serves as an excellent accessory with backless outfits. You can go with a typical tree with trees in between the branches. On the other hand, you can have a large, intricate tree that is a beauty to look at. Moreover, if you want your tattoo to catch attention even from a distance, do not hesitate to add colors to it.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


11 – Free Hand Tattoos

For those who do not want a typical tree design, here’s just the right idea. A free-style design that replicates the impression of a tree is a different approach to conventional family tree designs. In addition, you can get a similar tattoo on your arm, forearm, back, and even your waist. The point is to provide the tattoo artist an area broad enough for the design to exhibit its shape accurately.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


10 – Designs For The Wrist

If you are looking for family tree tattoo ideas appropriate for the wrist, go for one that you can replicate in a small size. The design should be explicit despite its size so that it doesn’t look too much on the wrist. For instance, the sketch below will fit appropriately on the said location. A simple tattoo design will not appear muddled up even when you reduce its size. Furthermore, a colored tattoo also looks good on a wrist as it accentuates the design more.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


9 – Cover An Entire Leg With Your Family Tree

If you want to get a tattoo that speaks grandeur, go for a family tree design so big that it covers the entire leg. While it is fairly common for people to get a huge tattoo inked on their back, you can do it on your leg as something different. However, it is better to opt for a tree design that the tattoo artist can spread accurately throughout the width of the leg.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


8 – DNA Design Tattoo

Since every person shares a fraction of their DNA with their family members, why don’t you go for a family tree tattoo that consists of a DNA fragment? Pay your family a symbolic tribute by opting for a green-colored tree held by a double helix strand, with the word family as root.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


7 – Waist Tattoos

You may come across various family tree tattoo ideas for arms, forearms, back, and even legs. However, if you want to do something different, get a tattoo inked on the side of your waist. A typical family tree tattoo, but at an atypical position, can be your way to be innovative.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


6 – A Tree With No Leaves

For those who want to make the names of the family members prominent, it is better to opt for a tree design without leaves. For a tattoo design as such, get the name in bold so that they stand out. However, for a simple family tree design, you can choose to omit the name as well.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


5 – A Tattoo Design With Qoutes

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


4 – A Tree With Relations

Another unconventional approach for a family tree tattoo is to have the relations written instead of the names. In addition, you can get the relation inked in colors to make them prominent within the tattoo design.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


3 – Tattoo Ideas For Forearms

If you want a tattoo that is visible all the time, the forearm is the perfect location to get it. However, for those who want a large tattoo, the forearm is the appropriate site. However, when it comes to the design, almost all family tree tattoo ideas that fit well on the arm, are a perfect choice for the forearm as well.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


2 – A Family That Holds The Tree

A family tree tattoo doesn’t always have to be the literal depiction of its name. If your family consists of you, your spouse, and your kids, the design below can be just the right pick for you.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


1 – Ideas for Legs

A tattoo on the arm is not only your option if you want a vertically large design. You can also get a family tree inked on your leg, either in color or just in black.

Family Tree Tattoo Ideas - 20 Designs You Must Try


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a family tree tattoo?

Ans: A family tree tattoo is a visual depiction of what it suggests. It consists of a tree that symbolizes the origin, the guardian, and the family members. However, it is not unusual for a family tree tattoo to not even contain the names of people but the date or year of birth and even the relations.

Q. How much does a family tree tattoo cost?

Ans: While the cost of a family tree tattoo may vary from artist to artist, the main factor is the size of the design. A small tattoo that fits the wrist or an ankle may cost around $50-$100. However, a large tattoo that covers the entire sleeve or the back may cost up to $500.

Q. Where should one get a family tree tattoo?

Ans: You may see a family tree tattoo on the arm, forearm, shoulder bone, back, waist, and leg. However, it is best to understand the design before picking a location. For instance, a small and simple tattoo should go on the wrist or the ankle. A large but broad tree tattoo looks best on the back or the shoulder bone. Furthermore, if you have picked a narrow tree design, get it on the leg or the arm.


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    • Olivia Davis

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